[INFO] 120605 “Protect the Boss” will air on Japan’s TBS starting July!

TBS is a major national broadcasting station in Japan. It’s Japan’s equivalent of Korea’s KBS, SBS or MBC. It’s quite an accomplishment for a Korean drama to be aired on a major network as most end up in cable channels.

Previously in November 2011, Japan’s cable channels DATV and KNTV both began broadcasting Protect the Boss simultaneously which is already an exceptional feat. TBS would be the third Japanese network to air this drama. 

Source: TBS via @starfieldsho | Shared by: PrinceJJ

[Twitter] 120604 Jaejoong twitter update, Part 2

[TRANS] When I want to be crazy about something, is it going to give me a pain and a joy at the same time..? And am I going to pursue a joy? Whatever it is..

[Alternative Trans] When I want to be engrossed in something, I feel simultaneously the greatest pain and the greatest joy. And don’t I want to pursue joy? Whatever it may be.

Source: @mjjeje | Trans by: @theyoungestmin
Alternative trans: @starfieldsho | Shared by: PrinceJJ

[NEWS] 120604 JYJ’s Jaejoong Proves His Explosive Popularity by Exceeding 100,000 Followers on Baidu

JYJ’s Jaejoong had proven his global popularity once again!

On June 1st, the idol has around 100,053 fans on China’s Portal site “Baidu“, making him the first Korean Celebrity to surprass 100,000 followers on the site. Following behind him is Super Junior’s member, Kim Hee Chul with 94,358 followers. In 3 days, Jaejoong’s fan café members increased by another 759 members, increasing the amount of followers to 100,812 people.

Netizen reacted, “Kim Jaejoong is really famous is China!”, “Looking at the number of Jaejoong’s fan café, indeed he is really popular”, “Jaejoong had shown his popularity by exceeding 100,00 followers!

(Portions unrelated to Jaejoong are omitted.)

Credit: go kpop! | Shared by: PrinceJJ

[NEWS] 120604 JYJ’s Jaejoong Congratulates Yoochun on His Birthday

JYJ member Jaejoong congratulated Yoochun.

Yoochun posted on his Twitter on June 4 in time for his birthday “I lay down to go to sleep, and I was surprised by the text. Thank you so much,” to which Jaejoong replied by uploading two photos.  Continue reading “[NEWS] 120604 JYJ’s Jaejoong Congratulates Yoochun on His Birthday”

[NEWS] 120604 ’Dr. Jin’ Kim Jaejoong, “Our Jaejoong-ah” Is Doted Upon

Challenging period drama for the first time through ‘Dr. Jin’, Kim Jaejoong is doted upon on set.

In the drama, Kim Jaejoong plays Kim Byunghee’s illegitimate child; though he is skilled in martial arts and has outstanding abilities, but because of his status as an illegitimate son, he has received much ridicule and insult, even from his brother.

However, it is completely opposite on the set, Jaejoong is very loved by all the actors and staff. Kim Eungsoo, who plays Jaejoong’s father, always addresses Jaejoong as “my son” or “maknae” and always encourages Jaejoong on set. And the brother, Kim Myungsoo, ran over to Jaejoong after the kicking scene and hugged him, saying, “our Jaejoong was kicked and in pain, what should I do?”, and offered him much love and care.

Staff members on the production team expressed, “Jaejoong is always the first person to arrive on the set and giving his all. He won all the love from the sunbae, which is completely different from the drama; in reality everyone addresses him as ‘our Jaejoong-ah’.”  Continue reading “[NEWS] 120604 ’Dr. Jin’ Kim Jaejoong, “Our Jaejoong-ah” Is Doted Upon”

[NEWS] 120604 ‘Dr Jin’ Kim Jaejoong, Action Scene Portrayal Without A Stunt Double

Actor-singer Kim Jaejoong is also showing talent in action scenes.

In MBC’s weekend drama ‘Dr Jin’, Kim Jaejoong acted in action scenes without a stunt double as Kim Kyung Tak – the police officer who is highly skilled in martial arts.

In a phone call with Sports Hankook on Jun 4, a representative from Kim Jaejoong’s management agency, C-JeS Entertainment said, “Kim Jaejoong is filming action scenes by himself. There are stunt doubles on set who are ready to film action scenes with higher difficulty levels. However, Kim Jaejoong’s action moves are good so his film parts are used.”  Continue reading “[NEWS] 120604 ‘Dr Jin’ Kim Jaejoong, Action Scene Portrayal Without A Stunt Double”