[TRANS] 120606 ‘Dr Jin’ 4th-Dimensional Kim Jaejoong, The Charismatic Official Who Plaits Horse’s Mane

Kim Jaejoong continues being poster boy even at historical drama’s filming site.

The behind-the-scene of MBC’s weekend drama ‘Dr Jin’ with Kim Jaejoong, who was named as the visual shock of historical drama, was revealed on the 6th of June.

In the drama, during the recovery commemorative dinner of his father Kim Byung Hee (Kim Eung Soo), Kim Jaejoong was enjoying his break and his pose was captured amazingly.

Removing his official’s hat and relaxingly resting, Kim Jaejoong simply sat there with the sword he usually holds and yet it created an ambience that is poster-like. It immediately attracted all the female staffs’ lovely gazes. Continue reading “[TRANS] 120606 ‘Dr Jin’ 4th-Dimensional Kim Jaejoong, The Charismatic Official Who Plaits Horse’s Mane”