[NEWS] 120624 JYJ’s Jae Joong takes care of Park Min Young even after he gets turned down by her on Doctor Jin

JYJ’s Jae Joong touched the female viewers by taking care of his fiancee Park Min Young even after he was turned down by her.

In the episode of Doctor Jin that aired on June 23, Young Rae (played by Park Min Young) declined Kyung Tak (played by Jae Joong)’s proposal of marriage, saying she was not in love with him.

Although he was heartbroken, Kyung Tak was still considerate of Young Rae.

As his father Byung Hee (played by Kim Eung Soo) asked him the reason for breaking off his engagement, Kyung Tak took care of Young Rae by saying it was because he couldn’t marry with a daughter of a ruined family.  Continue reading “[NEWS] 120624 JYJ’s Jae Joong takes care of Park Min Young even after he gets turned down by her on Doctor Jin”

[PrinceJJ 1st Anniversary Contest] Day 7: Star_Leng’s 2nd Fan Art Book

To enter, please answer the question in the comments below in 100 words or less:

If you were invisible and is given a chance to watch over Jaejoong, what would you like to observe him doing (and remember to keep it PG =P)

Deadline is June 25, 9:00am Korea Standard Time. Good luck!

Please use this word count tool so that you can check and stay within the word limit.

*Please note that Star_Leng is making her fan art book available around July 2012 so it’ll take 1-2 months for the winner to receive his or her prize.


[1] Limit one entry per email address.
[2] You must use a valid email address so that we can contact you if you’re the winner.
[3] If you win 1 contest, you are still allowed to enter future contests. However, you can only choose one prize and the other prize(s) won will be given to the runner-ups.
[4] Winner will be announced at the start of the next day’s contest and contacted via email. You will be asked to provide a mailing address where the prize will be shipped.
[5] Keep your entries focused on Jaejoong. Any mention of couple-shipping will be deleted.

More info on our anniversary contests HERE

Update: Time’s up! Comments are now closed. We will announce the winner at 12 noon KST and post the new daily contest. Thank you for participating! The entries were all wonderful.

[Day 6] ‘Dr. Jin’ OST winner is:

Continue reading “[PrinceJJ 1st Anniversary Contest] Day 7: Star_Leng’s 2nd Fan Art Book”

[NEWS] 120623 Kim Jae Joong′s Hands Take Rough Beating on ′Dr. Jin′

Kim Jae Joong showed just how much passion burns inside him for his drama role.

On June 23, Kim Jae Joong tweeted, ′What do you think of my hands being this red′ along with a photo that showed his roughened hands.

While the rest of his arms were still fairly pale, only his hands had been baked red from the practice action sessions that took place under the hot sun. The action scene that aired on the June 23 broadcast of MBC′s Dr. Jin, however, showed that the effort did indeed pay off.  Continue reading “[NEWS] 120623 Kim Jae Joong′s Hands Take Rough Beating on ′Dr. Jin′”

[NEWS] 120622 Kang Minhyuk – Lee Jonghyun – Kim Jaejoong, ‘Acting-dols’ qualities’ that capture weekend dramas

(unrelated parts omitted)

In MBC’s Dr Jin, JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong takes on the role of Kim Kyung Tak, the illegitimate son of the vice-premier, Kim Byung Hee (Kim Eung Soo). The charisma that he showed while carrying out his duty captured viewers’ hearts. Kim Jaejoong also received love for portraying sorrowful expressions when neglected by the woman he loved, Hong Yong Rae and when treated harshly for being an illegitimate son. Also, his adequate acting abilities and the constant growth that he has shown in his first historical drama challenge caught the eyes of the viewers.  Continue reading “[NEWS] 120622 Kang Minhyuk – Lee Jonghyun – Kim Jaejoong, ‘Acting-dols’ qualities’ that capture weekend dramas”

[TRANS] 120622 Non-Fan Review: Kim Jaejoong Telling the Story of Kim Kyung Tak

You can download this desktop wallpaper. Size: 1920 x 1080. Credit: as tagged.

Personally, my favorite character in Dr. Jin is Kim Kyung Tak. The writing for him has been more convincing and real than I first expected it to be. Kim Jaejoong also deserves praise because of his portrayal of what the writers created. I suspect that he will have a long acting career because he has the ability to immerse the viewers in every scene that his character appears in. Every gesture and facial expression are expressed delicately and correctly for the character. Because Kyung Tak is a character that longs for attention from his father, but must also have a strong front in order to earn that attention, there is much conflict between his heart and his head. And on top of the heart-head conflict, there are many more aspects to Kyung Tak; from his love of YongRae to his friendship with YongHwi, that makes him a complex character. To portray this character is difficult, and Kim Jaejoong does it exceedingly well. Sometimes I think that there is acting that you cannot learn in any school. Though Kyung Tak’s action scenes seem as though they come from a textbook, his expressions are completely natural. So even though Kim Jaejoong’s acting is not technically perfect, you get a sense that his character is very much real.  Continue reading “[TRANS] 120622 Non-Fan Review: Kim Jaejoong Telling the Story of Kim Kyung Tak”

[Viewer Account] 120622 Even My Students Enjoy ‘Dr. Jin’

I work at a school, so you would think I wouldn’t have much to post about my job, right?

But these days some of the kids are (saying)…

How can Dr. Jin be such a fun drama??

That is what they asked me. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Earlier in the day, they were talking and ignoring me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They were discussing about how to download torrents of the drama so that they could watch it again. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

They even started their own ‘class’ [on Dr. Jin] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

To elementary school students, it seems as though Dr. Jin was more fun than what I could teach them.

They were very excited. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Source: 모니터워리어 @ Dr. Jin DC Gallery
Trans by: Yule @ PrinceJJ
Shared by: PrinceJJ
Take out with full credits.

[NEWS] 120622 Kim Jaejoong’s First Historical Drama Challenge: “Struggling with Topknots; Friendly With Everyone, Including Raphael”


“The Challenge of a 27 year old! Acting in a Lead Role!”

June 22nd will be the 27th anniversary of Sports Seoul (t/n: the online newspaper where this article was originally written), and so we are writing about the enthusiasm and struggles of stars who are 27-years old.

Hwang Jung Eum, Song JoongKi, Lee Min Ki, and Wang JiHye are all breakout young stars that we have gotten to recognize over the past few years. However MBC’s “Doctor Jin” and SBS’s “The Chaser” both have two young stand-outs, Kim Jaejoong and Go Joon Hee. Showing high spirits and passion as they take on new challenges in their 2012 dramas, Kim Jaejoong and Go Joon Hee have shown they are actors to look out for.


Continue reading “[NEWS] 120622 Kim Jaejoong’s First Historical Drama Challenge: “Struggling with Topknots; Friendly With Everyone, Including Raphael””