[PrinceJJ 1st Anniversary Contest] Day 9: JFU’s Kim Kyung Tak USB Doll

To enter, please answer the question in the comments below in 100 words or less:

Imagine that Jaejoong will tour your city and you were hired to be his language teacher. What are some of the phrases or sentences that you will teach him? (Please write it in English). We want to hear some interesting and funny answers. ^_^

Deadline is June 27, 9:00am Korea Standard Time. Good luck!

Please use this word count tool so that you can check and stay within the word limit.


[1] Limit one entry per email address.
[2] You must use a valid email address so that we can contact you if you’re the winner.
[3] If you win 1 contest, you are still allowed to enter future contests. However, you can only choose one prize and the other prize(s) won will be given to the runner-ups.
[4] Winner will be announced at the start of the next day’s contest and contacted via email. You will be asked to provide a mailing address where the prize will be shipped.
[5] Keep your entries focused on Jaejoong. Any mention of couple-shipping will be deleted.

More info on our anniversary contests HERE

[Day 8] Kim Kyung Tak USB Doll winners are:

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