[TRANS] 121220 Kim Jaejoong – Movies That Are Both Fun And Sad


We could tell he was worn out. Kim Jaejoong flew in to attend the preview of ‘Jackal is Coming’ during his Asia fanmeet tour. Though he couldn’t hide the weariness of completing a stream of activities without a moment to rest, a hint of excitement could be seen on Kim Jaejoong’s face.

He had once made a special appearance in the Japanese movie ‘Subaru’, but ‘Jackal is Coming’ can be counted as his first real movie. Learning how to walk as an actor and learning the joys of acting, Kim Jaejoong has been left with pride and a feeling of disappointment. When asked about what he felt about seeing himself on the big screen, he looked abashed as he said, “Oh god, I was so embarrassed. Ahahaha. I felt bashful and slightly disappointed at seeing myself on the big screen. Looking back, I could see all the ups and downs of my acting and my condition. At some moments, I regretted not doing things a different way, and I felt like I should have been more concentrated.”

Because filming for the movie began and ended around the same time as MBC’s ‘Dr. Jin’, Kim Jaejoong didn’t get much sleep going back and forth between both productions. “I couldn’t concentrate. I had to be this character here and that character there. I would have been in big trouble if it wasn’t for Omega 3. (laughter) It helped quicken the blood circulation in my brain.”  Continue reading “[TRANS] 121220 Kim Jaejoong – Movies That Are Both Fun And Sad”

[NEWS] 121227 Jaejoong Earns Rock Props with Upcoming Album


C-Jes Entertainment stoked the excitement of JYJ fans yesterday with a teaser for Jaejoong‘s upcoming solo album. And the fans aren’t the only ones impressed. Band frontman Kim Bada, one of the album’s producers, went from not even knowing who Jaejoong was to praising the idol’s rock potential.

The video, titled #KOR.STU-2012-1226 . DSLR MOV and styled like top-secret leaked footage, previews this new ‘rocker Jaejoong’ we were told about at the album’s announcement not too long ago. Now two songs are teased, showcasing some serious belting on Jaejoong’s part. Not bad, not bad.

Continue reading “[NEWS] 121227 Jaejoong Earns Rock Props with Upcoming Album”

[TRANS] 121227 Drawing from “The JYJ” Magazine Teaser 02


JYJ 1000 Beautiful Days

The person that YuChun drew is Junsu.
“I am a soccer player. Asia’s NO. 1”

What Jaejoong drew and wrote:
In the speech bubble: kiddo junsu
“(junsu) is cute but… i see the manly side of Junsu”
Junsu added “fool” with arrow pointing to what Jae drew, which Jae later tried to erase away with his saliva.

What Junsu drew, with “the most handsome” added by Jaejoong

XD Dorks!

Gif Credit: as tagged
Trans and shared by: PrinceJJ

[Trans] 121227 Kim Jaejoong’s studio teaser garners public attention


TV Daily via Nate

Transformed into a rock star for his solo album, JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong has released a teaser video at the recording studio.

Some of the album tracks were included in the teaser that was released last Dec 26 on JYJ’s official youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/CJESJYJ).

Netizens have commented through various online community portals – “Got goose bumps when listening to his voice”, “Kim Jaejoong has explosive vocals”, “That’s Kim Jaejoong, right?” among others. Kim Jaejoong has created a new genre of rock music which generates high expectations from the public.

Continue reading “[Trans] 121227 Kim Jaejoong’s studio teaser garners public attention”